Some exposed fags think their Basic exposure is not enough. With great pleasure I offer more extreme forms of exposure.

With Extreme exposure you will earn extra fag-points, which will increase your fagscore! Some Extreme exposure are available for Light exposed fags as well.

Available Extreme exposures

These Extreme exposures are already available. More are being developed.

    extra fagpoints* price
A email address 50 € 25 / year
B personal domain name 50 starting at € 20 / year + setup fee 
C personal website 200 first year from € 250
following years € 150 / year
D custom fag-id 50 € 50

* the amount of fagpoints can change in the future

Most Extreme exposure concepts are still being developed. The information on this page will change frequently in the next months to come. Agreements will always be confirmed by email so there can be no misunderstanding of which service you get.

A. email address

Gerhard Schuessler (F115) is the first fag with a email address.

Get your own email address

To receive a personal email account, you first need to be exposed. So start your application for Basic exposure or Light exposure to get started.

If you are already exposed continue here to request your personal email address.

B. Personal domain name (URL)

Wolfgang Schanz and Gerhard Schuessler already have a personal domain name, linking to their Fagspose page. Next to a personal website (the next option in this list) a personal domain name is the best way to improve your presence online. This includes the chances of being found by search engines.

Go to Your personal domain name for all information.

C. Personal website

Personal website only about you. You need order a Personal domain name as well (see above).
This includes up to 10 email addresses like, et cetera.
The website will be optimised for search engines. You will be able to upload new content yourself if you like, but the main administration will be by Fagspose.

D. Custom fag-id

This was an idea of Gerhard Schuessler himself (who else…?). He requested the fag-id GS164 to reside next to his standard fag-id F115. There are several reasons for a fag to use a Custom fag-id, like

  • It’s easy to remember
  • You get an even shorter URL (compare with
  • You can personalise your fag-id (you can ask Gerhard why he chose GS164)
  • It improves SEO
  • You earn extra fagpoints (see table above) 


Some more ideas for Extreme exposure 

This is just a list of random ideas that has to be worked on. Some will make it to the list of available Extreme exposures mentioned above.

  1. Receive mail and packages at your home address, like a huge pink box. And of course you have to share a photo when you receive it.
  2. Perform humiliating tasks and send a video as proof.
  3. Set the fine for removal of your Fagspose exposure to a percentage of your income, based on your income tax return.
  4. Personal permanent slave contract in which you submit completely to Sir Fagspose. This will only be possible if you have been exposed for a while with several Extreme exposure features.
  5. Personalised exposure termination contract for those who think that only a fine is not enough.
  6. Real time sharing of your location.
  7. Sharing your surveillance camera at home, 24/7.

Keep in mind that you will have to pay for Extreme exposure. The time I spend on you has to be compensated. The price has not yet been set. Think about 40 euros per hour with a minimum of 2.5 hours. And of course you will have to pay the costs I make for hosting a domain and email account. But also for sending mail.

Do you have any ideas for Extreme exposure? Please leave them in the comments below!

But first things first: start your application for Basic exposure to get started. Extreme exposure is only possible after you have been exposed on Fagspose with Basic exposure.

Limits in exposure by Fagspose

I see some fags are very creative with ideas for Extreme exposure. Keep in mind that Fagspose will always operate within the limits of the law. 

Fagspose wants to prevent the general public from being unprepared for fags being shown. Therefore, the website has taken several visible and invisible measures. When safe search is activated on search engines, no search results should be visible. But ultimately the search engines themselves decide to what extent they show the Fagspose content within safe search.

Also with the Extreme exposure activities, we want to keep it problem free for the general public.

What we will do, is fags showing the Fagspose logo and such things. It will require people to consciously start an action (like searching for Fagspose) of which they could have known it is ‘not safe for work’.

Fagspose will never contact relatives or colleagues of exposed fags. And we ask you not to do that yourself. It could even harm the Fagspose project if 



Please note: most comments were written before the last update of this page (2024-09-10).




Extreme — 67 Comments

  1. Grok ai tool (by X / twitter) useful for extreme exposure !

    After the release of grok and other AI tools in the future, everyone should be aware, deleting photos on Fagspose and other exposure websites has no influence on the search results determined by AI. Due to the search engine optimization carried out by Fagspose and the associated documentation using AI, deleting the photos is practically impossible.
    AI is therefore a powerful tool for the non-deletable, bundled distribution of information and photos.

    By downloading,sharing and distributing photos and information provided by, you feed the AI.

    This is you contribution to make the models exposed by fagspose for ever visible on the Internet.

    It doesn’t get more extreme than that.

    Absolutely exposed – irreversible for ever.

  2. For the committed fag, getting some themed tattoos. Examples

    – Above the buttocks: “fuck me here” perhaps with arrows pointing
    – Above the penis: “too small” perhaps with arrows pointing
    – For fags that are also in chastity, above the penis: “Useless”
    – Across buttocks: “owned by Fagspose” perhaps with fag id, or even an URL

    Etc. Perhaps let other fags vote on what tattoo to get. Fag points to be granted depending on size and motive

  3. There should be an option on each fags profile to download all their media in a single .ZIP file. This will ensure that it is as easy as possible to download all pics + vids in one click, allowing for users of the site to easily spread the content to other sites around the web. Right now you gave to get the content individually and its a chore, making people less likely to download and spread the fags content. Abosolutley.Exposed had this feature, and it should be duplicated here on Fagspose.

  4. Create a series of video exposure tasks, such as ejaculating on camera with full face visibility or using a dildo anally while finishing, peeing on your own face etc. Participants can choose to either have their videos published on their Fagspose profile for free or sold on a platform like Clips4Sale. If sold, proceeds will go to Sir Fagspose, maximizing the participant’s “fag points.” Alternatively, participants could receive a smaller percentage—such as 30%—of the profits, though fewer “fag points” would be awarded based on the percentage chosen. Sir Fagspose should always get a higher cut like a minimum for %60 This structure may encourage more engagement with exposure tasks.

    • I like the idea of “challenges” for us fags.
      Sir fagspose starts a challenge. Fags register as participants during the next 24 hours and after 14 days latest they send their video of proof.
      Videos will be published and voted for or sold.
      Votes and earnings will set the ranking.
      Top 33% gets a reward (hall of fame), middle 33% keep their score and lowest 33% have their score reduced, go to the hall of shame and might get a second chance to perform better (fine 10€).

  5. A fag that can prove they have been caught (by family/friends/workplace) by providing evidence (emails from family/workplace letters) should get a special “ruined” watermark on there pics/profile and maybe extra fagpoints

    • Good suggestion! A lot of exposure agreements use the word “ruined” when still nothing has happened. An official declaration by Fagspose of the status “ruined” would be a big trophy for every exposed fag. And that will of course bring you more fagpoints.

      • cool im glad you like my idea. I wonder if Gerhard Schüssler could prove he got caught by his former classmates. maybe he could get one to write a letter to you, so you could confirm it. Anyway I look forward to seeing the feature go live one day. Thanks for such a cool site ! i cant wait to join it one day.

        • Your idea is brilliant.
          I was no longer there when my classmates shared the link to with each other and looked at the site and my photos.
          The next day a female classmate sent me a WhatsApp with the Fagspose link and asked for a call back. Afterwards we spoke on the phone.

          But I will provide the proof.

  6. I think it might be a good idea to print on a fags page how much money they have spent in euro on their exposure. So everyone that comes to the site knows that the fags have actually spent money out of the own pockets just for the privilege of being exposed. The more money they have spend the more pathetic they look which is a good thing for a fag.

    • The costs for the photo shoot are very low and only compensate for the costs of the photographer.
      Whether your photos are published on fagspose should not depend on money.

      • Yes but Sir Fagspose charges for extras such as for fines, extreme options like email or extended photo series and/or video. The more a fag has spent on extras the more humiliating it could be on their profile when people view how much their exposure has cost them. As the more the fag has spent would be viewed as more humiliating. some costs are ongoing like the personal website option.

  7. What about adding a fag’s available services when approached by a stranger in public? A stranger would print out a service coupon from this site and present it to the fag when contacted and receive the services almost immediately when private locations are found (store restroom, behind dumpster, in car/van).

  8. I’ve done real time location sharing before, there used to be an exposure site with a map and it would plot your movement for the day and show locations, was interesting.

    I’ve thought about setting up a cam at home, could be interesting.

  9. How about clubs and bars you frequently visit so you could be approached randomly? Would enjoy to be at bar and approached that there saw me being exposed!

  10. The is online.

    Every Fagspose user should buy a Fagspose t-shirt in the Fagspose Shop.
    Exposed fags should buy a personal t-shirt with personal QR-code and wear it in public.

    Photos must be published as evidence !

  11. Flyer
    If there are other fags living near they get a task to do from Fagspose
    Fagspose will create a flyer and the near living fag has to spread and hang up this flyer in area of fags address

    • Like the suggestion you did a few minutes ago, I have to say a flyer is also against the limits of what is possible for Fagspose. But you could not know, because I only wrote them after your comment.
      Please come up with any new ideas you might get. It’s not a shame if not all suggestions make it. It is very good to explore the limits of what is possible within the Fagspose project.

  12. Contact-List
    Fad has to create a contact-list
    – related / children
    – friends
    – neighbors would be great too
    import is
    – mail address
    – messengers
    after some time being exposed fagspose will
    – publish contact-list
    – contact a person on contact-list from time to time

  13. A list of shops / supermarket were you do your shopping on a regular basis to be included on your post so
    You might be spotted at any time
    Such as ( Asda Nottingham ) or a pub you visit on a regular basis

  14. Another idea the removal info deposit. A personal info was published during the removal time period. And a removal punishment, when a fag ask removal it will be published and everyone will know this is a stupid fag who regret.

  15. I have an idea about deletion.
    The 200 Eur is ok, is for the work, but normally 1 week the deletion time after payment. (Good work needs time.)
    The differences by Fagscores.
    2 day deletion -50 fagscore, 2 weeks +50 fagscore, 1 month +100 fagscore. 😄

  16. How about adding real-time location tracking to push exposure to the next level? Imagine being tracked live, with your movements shared to your exposer in real-time. It could lead to exciting challenges and even more intense exposure.

    • If you’re in this and you deserve to be treated like a cock sucking cum drinking exposed slut this is definitely the way to go but you may get in trouble as well

    • Very nice idea – I LOVE it !!!
      Would be cool to be tracked and being approached on the street to suck a strangers cock 🙂

  17. After fags are completly outed and exposed over the Internet and in real life, they should get tatooed with their Fag-Id. A visible tattoo on the top of the right foot is a perfect place. You can not hide this tattoo, when you are naked.

    You is first ?

    • Can you explain what your idea exactly is? Do you mean a real physical card? Or something similar to the “exposure agreements” that are often created, including fake autographs and fake addresses. It is too easy to create a fake exposure agreement, that might be used for doxing.

      Unique of Fagspose is that each fag is identified with his personal fag-id. It is the most secure way to identify as fag online. And it is the best proof of your consent to further exposure.

      Exposing the real autograph of a fag is indeed extreme. As this will make it easier to commit identity theft. So if Fagspose would publish a fag’s signature, it would be done in a way that it is not easy to use to commit fraude.

  18. The “huge pink box” idea is hilarious!

    After reading the entire site. Going for either the light or extreme as a gay man… I really wouldn’t mind my real name and social media stuff with everything out there! My only concern is having to use my drivers license — and yes I know I could edit out my ID number — but it’s an official form of government ID which could be used against me.

    • I need your official ID to have the legal right to expose you. And the porn companies require it too.
      Fagspose will never publish official government IDs.

      • I know that. I was in ALLBOY, Numbers and did a few videos with Cobra and years ago. Those are actual companies that don’t leak our shit online for everyone to harass us!

        I have seen dudes with their drivers license, bank cards and social security numbers posted for all to see. Sharing nudes is alright but no thanks on my government crap being plastered on the internet!

  19. A couple of ideas that popped into my head while thinking about this.

    1. On the questionnaire for exposure when fags choose what info to include on their exposure, maybe an option where a fag provides say their address but doesn’t necessarily want it posted on their exposure so they pay a monthly fee to keep it off their exposure, if they ever miss a payment or choose to no longer pay, the information is then added to their exposure.

    2. Give an option to increase the fine for having an exposure removed or an option where a fag agrees to fully be exposed permanently with no option for removal at all.

    • I have been thinking about something very similar. It could also include the faggots’ place of work as part of the exposure information. Additionally, there could be a requirement for fags to post content on a regular basis to maintain their exposure profile. If the fag changes their information without approval or tries to remove content, there should be severe consequences.

    • Do you really want random “dope heads” knocking on your door at all hours? Because, if you post yer address. You have basically fucked yourself.

      What about us VanLife faggots? I am technically homeless but I sleep in my van to save money! I go to Planet Fitness to shower and shave… I save so much money on motel rooms just by sleeping in my van! Everyone keeps asking where am I located. Washington DC. Three days later I am mid-west. I am single. I drive across the country just to watch a good UFC fight!

  20. This is an interesting idea that needs some more thoughts. My concern is that I don’t companies will report Fagspose for spam, which might on the long term harm the entire project.

    So to get this done, I will need volunteers to do the “dirty job”. So I guess fagsposed fags have to start emailing each other! Or any Master interested in participating, is invited to contact me.

  21. How about posting little task videos handed to the fag so we can see more of him, also making like a raffle so we broke ass fags can be uploaded to your site, I’m dying to be here honestly. Also, exposing IDs would be fun

    • Video tasks is added to the list.

      Crowd funding for broke fags is an interesting idea, specially because the fags will have to compete with each other who is going to win the money.

      Exposing complete IDs will not happen on Fagspose, for reasons that are already explained on the website.

  22. It would be real good to have a blog of all the humiliating things happening to the fag because of the exposure. Something like Peng Wei Lee’s blog on the fat faggot site but then more regularly.

  23. As someone who loves having my own pictures emailed to me at work, how about an automated system that emails an address once every 6 hours with all of the fags emails as attachments. It isn’t as ‘bad’ as emailing colleagues but it still carries a lot of risk as regular emails with large attachments are more likely to get noticed by IT guys monitoring the email system!

    • This is an interesting idea that needs some more thoughts. My concern is that I don’t companies will report Fagspose for spam, which might on the long term harm the entire project.

      So to get this done, I will need volunteers to do the “dirty job”. So I guess fagsposed fags have to start emailing each other! Or any Master interested in participating, is invited to contact me.

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