Click here to start your application to be exposed


Telegram is the preferred way to communicate with Fagspose. Please keep the conversation short and efficient. Several dozens of wannabe fags are in process and I don’t have the time to guide you personally through the process step by step. If you read all the instructions well, nothing can go wrong.

Even more important: fags need to contact me on their own initiative. So when you finished the Questionnaire and need it to be checked and approved, you send me a message. I am not going to contact you automatically if you have been silent for a few days. You are in control of your own exposure process! The simple reason is that there are too many fags in process. It would cost me too much time to take each of you by the hand on a daily basis.

Some fags use autodestruct messages on Telegram. If you contact me, make sure you switch it off! 


The only thing you can not do with Telegram is sending me photos, videos and documents. You have to collect them all on your computer and send them in one go with WeTransfer to my email address Send the original photos (jpg files) from the documents. Do not convert them to pdf, as it is easier in my workflow to have them as jpg.

E-mail: or

If you don’t have a Telegram account, you can ask simple questions via Twitter/X as well.


You can write in Dutch, English or German.
(If you write in German, I will reply in English).

See all Fagspose social media and other channels on the links page.


Fagspose is a project by


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