
Oliver Kaufmann, Würzburg, Germany — 10 Comments

  1. Hallo, bist eine geile Sau. sehe mir gerne deine Bilder an. Hoffe dass meine auch bald hier auf der Seite veröffentlicht werden. Gruss Claus

  2. I’ve got a nice email from A.F. on telegram

    Hi Oliver Kaufmann,
    Sorry to bother you. 
    My name is Andrea and I saw your contact on the website
    I am writing to you only to give you a genuine compliment for the courage you had in publishing all your data, even the sensitive ones, on the web, in addition to your nude photos. 
    I wish I could have this courage. 
    In any case, I also wanted to tell you that I like you. 
    I hope you never regret making the decision to publish all your data.

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