As a part of Extreme exposure, exposed fags can get their own email address. The perfect way to constantly remind yourself and others that your are just a fag and need to be treated that way by everybody.
A Fagspose email address is also available for Light exposures.

Get your own email address

These are the options for your username:

username looks like example
your fag-id F123
firstname and last name
initial and last name
nickname (only for Light exposure)  



Only € 12,00 until 2025-12-31. In December 2025 you will pay the indexed price for 2026.
Automatic renewal each year, unless you notify before December.


With your email address you earn extra fagpoints!


  • A fair use policy applies. You can only use your account for normal email activities. If you send or receive an excessive amount of mails, you will get a warning. Depending on the origin of your data consumption, you might have to pay a higher fee or your account might get suspended.
  • Don’t use it for spam or illegal activities. 
  • You are NOT allowed to share your password with anybody. If you want to share it with a master/mistress, you first need to ask permission from Sir Fagspose.

Order your email account

Simply send an email to and ask for your email account.

Mention the username you would like to have. Do not choose a name that is not allowed according to the previous information! If you ask for a name that is not allowed, you will loose fagpoints for stupid behaviour!

The technical part

This might look a bit scary at first sight, but even Gerhard Schuessler managed to set up his account! So if he can do it, you can do it as well!

You will receive your password via email.

Now you can set up your account. You need to connect it to the SSL secured mail server, using these data:

IMAP server:
IMAP poort: 993

POP server:
POP poort: 995

SMTP server:
SMTP poort: 465

SSL: active


Gmail can handle your new email account completely. It is not even visible that you are using gmail. The only drawback is that gmail only reads your account every 60 minutes, as it does for all external accounts that don’t receive a lot of messages.

I only have this explanation in Dutch on how to set up your gmail account. Use Google Translate in Chrome browser to understand it:

Other mail programs and devices

Use Google Translate in Chrome browser to understand it: