The preferred way to become exposed on Fagspose is by meeting me in person.

You can see my travel plans at the top of this page and the home page. You can also check my profile on Fotograaf-Erik. I don’t always have time to update the information on this website. The information on Romeo is most of the time up to date about the area where I am at the moment.

If I am going to be near you and you want to be exposed and you have some free time, this could be the perfect time for you to be exposed!

What do you have to do?

Send me a message as soon as possible by email AND by Telegram.
Skip the “hi” and “how are you”. Just get straight to the point. Where can we meet and what times are you available.
While you wait for my reply, you can start the application procedure.

I will reply as soon as I can. But don’t be disappointed if it takes a while. Because when I travel, it is most likely that I am enjoying myself without my phone.

Is it possible to meet today?

Probably not. It is best to make arrangements at least a few days in advance. But you can always try…


I try to keep the information about my travel plans as up to date as possible. But when travelling, it is not possible to keep it up to date in real time.



If you are not able to meet me in person, you can choose video verification.