I am a sissy. Can I be exposed?
Fagspose is exposing men. You need to show yourself naked without make-up and without a wig.
You can opt for additional photography, in which you are completely free to show your sissy side or anything else you want to reveil. But the basic exposure will always be your manly appearance.
In the (far) future there might be an option for sissies to be exposed as sissy.
Will I be indexed by Google when you expose me?
Yes. The entire site and online presence is aimed at being found by search engines like Google and Bing. And it works. So if you like to be exposed, but stay anonymous, than Fagspose is not for you. Telegram is probably a good place for you. See the various Telegram groups on the links page.
I live too far away to meet you, but I want to be exposed on Fagspose!
You can use Video Verification. See all about it in the Procedure. Keep in mind that a personal verification is preferred.
Do I have to be naked?
Yes. A fag presents itself completely naked. Just see how the other fags are exposed on this site. And you also have to show your face completely.
Can you ruin my life completely, Sir?
During the verification proces I will get to know you and see if you are really the kind of fag that needs to be ruined completely. But first you need to follow the steps to simply get exposed on fagspose.com, like any fag.
Once you are exposed on Fagspose you can increase your exposure with various Extreme options.
Don’t waste my time asking how I am going to get you ruined before you are exposed.
Please retweet my post
Fagspose only retweets and reposts content from verified fags. It is just too easy create a fake account on social media. So first you need to get verified by following the Procedure.
By using your fag-id and referring to your Fagspose page you can always prove your consent to exposure!
Sir, what is the correct way to address you Sir!?
You can address me the way you think is correct. You can call me by my name: Erik. By using ‘Sir‘ in the Fagspose context, I just want to make clear what my position in the exposing world is. So don’t take it too seriously. It is important to be polite. Always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
Much more important is that you don’t waste my time. Online I want conversations to be short and efficient. So first read the most important pages on this website before you start asking questions. These pages are Procedure and Price.
Did you not find your question answered here? Try the search box in the top right corner. Or read the pages about what is being exposed, the procedure to be exposed or the price of being exposed. And you can of course contact me as well.