The FagFinder® algorithm is some high tech development by Fagspose to identify all fags and faggots online.

Results are used for various purposes.

Patent pending.

If you have not yet been traced by the FagFinder®, leave a comment below with the most relevant link.

See also this X post.



FagFinder<sup>®</sup> — 15 Comments

  1. Hi, I’m not yet fully exposed but working up to it. Seeking a photographer in SoCal who is willing to help me create the pics I’ll need for fagspose. Of course I’ll pay for the service.
    Al Parso
    Palm Springs area of Southern California, US

  2. I am fag Robert Wagner from Wiesbaden. There ist no problem to find me on Google. I am full exposed with real Name and adress. I have also been recognized several times. The last time I was at my dentist. I’m happy being a public fag.

  3. Beginning exposer, mar’d bi excited by the idea, but not ready for prime time! Yet 😁🤫

    Telegram: @Srflyr

    • You have found a clever way to get yourself noticed on Fagspose. The next step is to sign up for full exposure! (Once you are ready for it of course.)

  4. Hi, I’m Fagmartin. Married to a woman , but up for it anyway. Google fagmartin exposed and I should show up.
    I have long since realized that I have become addicted to exposing myself naked on the internet.

    • No problem here with the links on this page.
      Even the previously marked as “not existing anymore – see below” is back in the air.

      Next time you report a broken link, please include the link itself so it is clear which link you mean.

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