
Miguel Lopez Llanes, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico — 36 Comments

  1. He’s so hot; if this website gets mainstream attention, a censored version of him will be the thumbnail and he’ll be famous famous. 😛

  2. Wow! You look so good Miguel – the head of your cock is spectacular and that sweet shithole. I’d love to eat that ass and fuck you and suck you.

    • Hi Timothy,

      I hope you’re having a good day,

      I’m makes me feel very happy that you think that I’m adorable. It makes me feel horny that you say that you’re happy that I expose myself I wish everybody were happy that I’m exposed I really like exposing myself I want to expose myself forever to make people happy doing something that I like doing as exposing myself because I like exposing myself.



    • Hello Jack,

      I hope you’re having a perfect day,

      You have no idea how much I love reading I made you laugh at me and you have no idea how much of a slut and how horny it makes me feel your comment saying that it is an absolute pathetic vide. I desire with all my soul to do more videos that get that reaction on people I love when people (specially men) think I’m absolutely pathetic. I love how embarrassed and humiliated it makes me feel I truly love it!

  3. Honest confession, Miguel, very nice; my feelings are similar and i hope one day i will be as brave as you – leaving aside my privacy and shared them – naked – with the world

    • Hi Robert!

      I hope you’re having a very good day,

      Thank you so much for finding my confession honest. It really is! I was being 100% honest with myself regarding what feels true to me. It’s so sweet to say that your feelings are similar and that you hope that one day you will be as brave as me leaving aside your privacy and shared them naked with the world! I really feel you. I love being an inspiration for people with similar very similar feelings as me ❤️

    • Hi Aaron!

      I hope you’re having a marvellous day,

      Thank you so much for commenting that you envy me as a fag. That’s right I’m a fag! And I love being a faggot. It’s very nice from you saying that you envy me as a fag I hope that’s something fenomenal and I love making men happy with my exposure ❤️

    • Hello J,

      I hope you’re having a wonderful day!

      You don’t need to wonder anymore as I 100% know how pathetic I look and I want to let you know that it turns me on like nothing before the fact that you mention it and that you laugh at me I thank you so much for making me so happy

      • Hi Aaron!

        I hope you’re having a wonderful day,

        Thank you so much for commenting that it looks like a sweet, hot and sexy gay man for you it’s very sweet thank you so much

  4. These have to be the best photographs on fagspose! I hope the whole world seems Miguel’s big thick cock and tight farthole. And and I especially hope that Miguel’s family and friends find these photographs. How would you explain these nudes, Miguel? 😉

    • Hi Nicholas,

      I hope you’re well,

      Thank you so much for the compliments saying that these are the best photographs on Fagspose I truly appreciate it
      I hope the whole world see my big thick cock and tight farthole too because it’s my biggest dream
      If family and friends find these pics it would be different to explain to each of them

  5. Very nice exposure! Made me so aroused and envious! I love your cock and imagine sucking it to orgasm so I can taste your salty jizz

    • Hello Chastie Kimi, you have no idea how happy and horny it makes me feel to know that my exposure got you so aroused and envious! I truly appreciate your love for my cock and that you want to swallow my load!

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