
Gerhard Schuessler caught! — 19 Comments

  1. I love looking at Gerhard’s exposure. Very hot! I’m a fag too so it’s really interesting reading the comments and experiences.

    • At first I was shocked. Then I realized that 30 people from my immediate environment had seen the photos. These people show the photos to other people. It’s like a pyramid scheme. You have to assume that all your friends have seen the photos or know about them.
      That made me very insecure.
      It was very scary at first. I’ve gotten used to it now. I don’t give a damn about other people/squares anymore

  2. I am still on the fence about being exposed on fagspose. If you an image seach for me on google CHET KRESIAK NAKED you will see that I’ve been exposing for years now. I love it so much. I’ve gotten text and email messages, a few threatening to expose me to my family and neighbors, but as far as I know that hasn’t happened. So I guess I am looking for some encouragement to take the ultimate step.

  3. Thank you for your kind and encouraging contributions to this blog. Yes, I’m fine. I love the fagspose Project.
    Sir Fagspose operates this website in compliance with all legal requirements; that’s important to me. And – as already mentioned – I don’t want to bother anyone. The published photos are made for the target group; who enjoy looking at them. I have fun showing myself online.

    Translation to german:

    Vielen Dank für eure, freundlichen und aufmunternden Beiträge in diesem Blog. Ja, es geht mir gut und ich liebe das fagspose Project.
    Sir Fagspose betreibt diese Website unter Beachtung aller legalen Erfordernisse. Das ist mir wichtig. Und- wie bereits erwähnt- möchte ich niemanden belästigen. Die veröffentlichten Fotos sind für die Zielgruppe gemacht; die Freude daran haben, diese anzuschauen. Ich habe Spaß mich online zu zeigen.

    Sei auch Du dabei !

  4. I hope Gerhard is OK… but now that everyone knows he’s a fag – he is kind of free. There is no way back – so he can embrace it and feel comfortable with being recognised as a faggot. That’s what most guys who are into exposure want – but is is such a difficult journey.

  5. Well done Gerhard for being on Fagspose to start with and secondly for carrying on. After all removing yourself will not stop the fact that those classmates have seen you now.

    I get lots of phone calls and txt saying they have seen me nude on here, as if I’m going to say “No that is terrible”.
    I just ask if they liked them and carry on the conversation as if it was normal. They soon get embarrassed for calling. You never hear from them again.

    My wife was found out at her workplace and had a HR meeting, where she was told that her stocking wearing husband had also been seen. She thankfully still has her job and I still wear stockings and have been to her place of work…

    Life is short enjoy it whilst you can. I would say all of us exposed on here have photos on the web, and have had them there for years.

  6. thats really scary. a lot of people have fantasies about this happening, but its different when it actually happens in real life. I hope you are OK Gerhard, and not too freaked about by this outing.

    • You are absolutely right John. One fag has been exposed for several months on Fagspose and he found it too scary. After a few “breaks” in the exposures he managed himself, he finally paid the fee to be removed completely. But traces of his exposure can be found on the web…

      And other exposed fag was approached by an anonymous person, threatening to do the fag harm in real life. The fag was extremely scared. But he decided to stay exposed, because he knows that is what he wants. And in the end, nothing happend at all…

      Gerhard is an other cook, as we say in Dutch. (This is a joke only Dutch people will understand. Search “louis van gaal that’s another cook”.)
      He did was not scared. I guess he was proud and probably got an erection when it happened. And when he read all your comments, he will get super hard again!

      Fagspose is for fags like Gerhard. Only the crème de la crème of fags who know they need to expose themselves constantly and always are looking for more ways to be exposed.

  7. Hello Gerhard, I admire your courage. I have now also come out as an exhibitionist faggot on Telegram and with my full name. Since 2019 I have uploaded several of my own porn videos under a nickname on xHamster. I no longer care who thinks I’m a faggot. I also plan to come out as a faggot to the whole world here at Fagspose soon. There were only personal problems, otherwise I would have done it this year. All the best to you
    Faggot Helmut Steinke

  8. it is also interesting that somebody did that and you heard back from one of the others. At least in the german the second one is female.

  9. Translation to German:

    Irgendwann musste es passieren. Gerhard Schuessler hat schon längere Zeit Nacktfotos veröffentlicht, so dass er nun wirklich erkannt wurde.

    In seinen eigenen Worten:

    Wer sich dazu entschließt, Nacktfotos online über Fagspose zu veröffentlichen, sollte beachten, dass diese auch bei der Suche nach seinen Kontaktdaten gefunden werden.

    Vor ein paar Tagen hatte ich ein Klassentreffen mit ehemaligen Klassenkameraden. Es war sehr schön. Alle Klassenkameraden sind sehr nett.

    Nachdem ich gegangen war, zeigte ein Klassenkamerad der Gruppe die Fagspose-Fotos! Eine Klassenkameradin informierte mich am nächsten Tag darüber.

    Jetzt besteht keine Gefahr mehr, erkannt zu werden, nein. Ich bin jetzt öffentlich ausgestellt / erkannt.

    Bisher habe ich nur positive Rückmeldungen zu meinen Nacktfotos erhalten. Es bleibt abzuwarten, was noch passiert.

    Bitte überlegen Sie vorher, ob Sie Ihren Geburtsort, Wohnort und Nachnamen veröffentlichen möchten. Sie werden gefunden.

    * In jedem Loch wartet eine kleine erbärmliche Ratte darauf, Ihre Fotos zu verteilen.*

    Ein sehr kluger Ratschlag von Gerhard.

    • The person is not important to me. I also believe, the person drank alcohol. In general, I don’t think it’s a good thing when people are confronted with sexual content, they wouldn’t watch voluntarily. Anyone who deactivates Safe Search in Google should see everything they are looking for. Feel free and enjoy life.

      • Gerhard points out an important rule of Fagspose. The content of Fagspose should only be seen by people who are willing to see sexual content. When people find Fagspose content with Safe Search activated, they get a warning before the adult content becomes visible.

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