Thank you for submitting your application!

Last step: pay the application fee

As you have seen you have to pay a fee of € 5 to be sure that you are seriously interested in becoming exposed by Fagspose.


It is very easy to pay with Paypal. Just pay € 5 to Make sure you pay the transaction fee yourself.


Pay your application fee on Throne.

5 euros payment via Throne

Make sure you add your name or email address so it is easy to recognise where the payment comes from.


The best way to contact Sir Fagspose is via Telegram: @Sir_Fagspose

What is next?

It might take a few days before you here from me. Fagspose is just a hobby project for me and I have other this to do in life as well.

While you are waiting it is highly recommended to add the email addresses and as trusted to your email system. Not only to be sure you will receive all my messages, but also to learn the email providers that Fagspose is serious.

It is also recommended to subscribe to the newsletter.

In the mean time keep an eye on Fagspose on sociale media to get inspiration for your exposure. The fagsposed fags also love to receive your comments and encouragements, just as you would like to receive those once you are complete exposed on Fagspose!