You realise that Fagspose is the most extreme form of consented exposure possible within the current privacy laws on the entire internet. You will be found by search engines with your name, especially if your name is not very common. Only if you have a very common name, like John Smith, search engines will need some extra information to find you.

Once you have finished the procedure of verification and you have given your full consent* to being exposed, there is no way back**.

Are you absolutely convinced that you want to go on?

* In the Questionnaire you indicate exactly which personal information can and can not be exposed.

** If you pay a fine, you can be removed from the website, but all the images and information that have been spread over the web are impossible to delete.

Maybe you are not ready yet for full exposure by Fagspose. See this article about exposing for beginners and come back to Fagspose once you are more experienced.